Have you seen these Dunedin Fitness Center characters?
If you have ever worked out in a Dunedin fitness center or gym, you have probably spotted some of these well-known characters. In addition, their antics may have distracted you and messed up your workout. Many of our current members came to us after leaving their previous Dunedin Fitness Center because they couldn’t handle dealing with these characters anymore!
Above all, I am happy to report that Rock Solid Fitness is a safe haven from all of these characters.
1. Billy B.O.

People often come in to Rock Solid and say that it doesn’t smell like a gym!
They are usually surprised by this, but there’s no way we would let the place where we spend most of our time smell bad.
2. Cathy Camp-out

You won’t see anybody sitting on the leg press forever reading the paper, texting their bff, or gabbing away while lounging on the machine you need.
3. Harry Hoarder

This is the guy who grabs 6 sets of dumbbells and claims to need them all for the next 45 minutes.
4. Eric Exhibitionist

This guy never saw a mirror he didn’t like, and thinks everybody else wants to check him out too.
5. Sam Stalker

You shouldn’t need a bodyguard, attack dog and a can of pepper spray just to work out.
6. Felicia Fashion-Show

As Arnold Schwarzenegger used to say, “if you’re worried about what you look like while you’re in the gym, your going to the gym for the wrong reasons”. Right on, Arnold.
So save your fashion show gear for an actual fashion show.
7. Eddie Unprofessional

Ever know someone who spent good money for a personal trainer, and the trainer was answering their phone, talking to their gym buddies, or checking themselves out in the mirror during the training session?
That should NEVER happen – and it never does at Rock Solid Fitness.