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Elevate Your Personal Training:

Earn the Respect You Deserve as the Healthcare Professional You Are

The Physical Therapy Perspective of Exercise

Step Up Your Training Game. Discover Advanced Personal Training Strategies for Safer, More Effective Fitness Programs

Bridging the Gap Between Physical Therapy and Personal Training

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Bridge the Gap: Elevating Personal Training to Healthcare Professionalism

Elevate Your Personal Training to New Heights with Healthcare Expertise

Welcome to a groundbreaking opportunity at Rock Solid Fitness, where your journey into the nexus of physical therapy and personal training begins.

Led by Patty Durell, our CEO, a licensed physical therapist assistant, master-level personal trainer, and certified conditioning specialist, we’re proud to introduce the “Bridge the Gap Between Physical Therapy and Personal Training” course.

This innovative program is the first of its kind, designed to transform personal trainers into healthcare professionals, equipped with the knowledge and skills to safely and effectively manage their clients’ fitness and rehabilitation needs.

The Rising Need for Skilled Personal Trainers

In today’s fitness industry, the line between health care and personal training is increasingly blurred. Healthcare providers often hesitate to refer patients to personal trainers due to concerns over safety and the effectiveness of the training provided.

Similarly, potential clients may be wary of personal training services after negative experiences or hearing about injuries from others. This has created a pressing need for a new breed of personal trainers: professionals who are as informed about injury prevention and rehabilitation as they are about fitness and strength training.

personal trainer clearwater

A Comprehensive Approach to Personal Training and Fitness Education

Patty’s course is a direct response to this gap, offering a comprehensive curriculum that bridges the divide. It’s not just about lifting weights or counting reps; it’s about understanding the human body, recognizing the signs of strain and stress, and knowing how to adapt exercises to meet individual needs safely.

Whether it’s working with a rehabilitating athlete or a senior seeking to maintain mobility, this course will equip you with the tools you need to serve a wider range of clients effectively.

Elevating Personal Training Standards

By signing up for this course, you’re not just enhancing your resume; you’re taking a step towards changing the personal training landscape.

You’re becoming a pioneer in a new field of fitness professionals who value safety, personalization, and health as much as physical strength and endurance. Join us to elevate your career, expand your client base, and become a trusted professional in a world where fitness and healthcare meet.

Patty Durell, LPTA, CCS - Self Health Expert and Visionary in Fitness and Physical Therapy

Patty Durell, LPTA, CCS

Self Health Expert and Visionary in Fitness and Physical Therapy

Meet Patty Durell, the powerhouse who’s been changing lives in Florida since 1995. She’s not just any trainer; with titles like Master Level Personal Trainer, Certified Conditioning Specialist, and Licensed Physical Therapist Assistant under her belt, Patty knows her stuff.

Patty’s journey started in physical therapy over 27 years ago, helping folks bounce back from big health setbacks. But she didn’t stop there. She saw people needed more than just recovery; they needed a way to stay strong and healthy.

That’s when she kicked off her personal training business, focusing first on folks fresh out of physical therapy and gradually welcoming anyone aiming to get fit, from total beginners to pro athletes.

Why Listen to Patty?

Well, she’s got experience in spades. She’s been featured on TV, in magazines, and on podcasts talking all things fitness and business. She’s also a go-to expert for colleges like Saint Petersburg College and Keiser University, helping shape the next generation of fitness pros.

In 2012, Patty made a big move. She opened Rock Solid Fitness, her own spot where she could do things her way. Started in Clearwater and quickly moving to a bigger space in Dunedin, her gym is all about personal attention and science-backed training.

Patty’s the real deal because she combines her physical therapy background with her fitness expertise. She’s leading the charge with her course “Bridge the Gap Between Physical Therapy and Personal Training,” aiming to make personal trainers into health heroes who can keep you safe and get you strong.

That’s why Patty Durell is the person you want to learn from if you’re serious about taking your fitness career to the next level.

patty durell of rock solid fitness

Beyond the Classroom: Integrating Physical Therapy into Your Fitness Career

Unlocking the Physical Therapy Perspective in Exercise

It’s a common refrain Patty Durell hears in her role on college advisory boards: students graduate filled with knowledge but still thirsty for practical skills, especially when it comes to understanding exercise from a physical therapy standpoint.

The gap between textbook learning and real-world application is wide, and for many, the prospect of returning to school to bridge this gap is daunting—not to mention expensive.

The Ideal Solution for Continuous Learning

Recognizing this unmet need, Patty has tailored the “Bridge the Gap Between Physical Therapy and Personal Training” course as the perfect solution. It’s designed specifically for those who crave deeper knowledge without the financial burden of further formal education.

This course is not just about learning; it’s about applying what you learn in a way that enriches both your professional skills and your clients’ fitness journeys.

lower back workouts

Why This Course Is a Game-Changer

Say goodbye to the idea that advancing your education means diving deeper into debt. This course offers invaluable insights into the physical therapy perspective on exercise at a fraction of the cost of additional college courses.

Patty brings her extensive experience and practical knowledge directly to you, bridging the gap between academic learning and the hands-on skills needed to excel in the fitness industry.

By integrating physical therapy principles into your training, you not only enhance your service offering but also set yourself apart from other fitness professionals. This unique blend of skills will make you a sought-after trainer for clients seeking a more holistic approach to fitness.

Empower Your Fitness Career with Patty Durell

Join us for this transformative course and take the first step towards revolutionizing your approach to personal training. Learn from one of the industry’s best and equip yourself with the knowledge and tools to view exercise through the lens of physical therapy. This course is your gateway to a more impactful and fulfilling career in fitness, where the health and well-being of your clients are always at the forefront.

Take Action: Elevate Your Training Expertise

Don’t miss this opportunity to expand your professional repertoire with practical, physical therapy-based exercise knowledge. Register now and redefine your career path with skills that bridge the gap between personal training and healthcare professionalism.

Empower Your Career in Just One Day

Time is valuable, especially in the fast-paced world of fitness and health. That’s why “Bridging the Gap Between Physical Therapy and Personal Training” is designed to maximize learning within a concise timeframe. This transformative course unfolds over a single day, ensuring you can elevate your skills without putting your life or career on hold.

An Investment in Your Future for $199 (Special Promo: $139)

Investing in your professional growth has never been more accessible. Priced at an introductory offer of $99.50—50% off the standard rate of $199—this course is an affordable step toward significant career advancement. We believe in providing value that far exceeds the cost, making this an opportunity not just to learn, but to transform how you approach personal training and client care.

Intensive Learning

Led by industry expert Patty Durell, you’ll gain hands-on experience and knowledge that bridges the gap between physical therapy and personal training.

Immediate Takeaways

Walk away with actionable insights and techniques that you can implement right away, enhancing both your services and your client’s results.

Healthy Lunch Provided

We’ll keep you energized and focused by providing a complimentary lunch, ensuring you’re ready to absorb the valuable insights this course offers.

A Wise Investment for a Brighter Future

This course isn’t just a learning opportunity; it’s an investment in your future as a fitness professional. With practical knowledge, expert guidance, and a certificate of completion, you’ll set yourself apart in a competitive industry.

The skills acquired in just one day have the potential to increase your client base, improve client satisfaction, and elevate your career to new heights.