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Frequently Asked Questions

Due to our physical therapy perspective, we are able to create an effective program for most people with medical conditions or a history of injuries. Clients do need to be mobile enough to get around the facility and on and off the equipment.

We believe that supervision is critically important to ensure the safest and most effective workouts possible. All workouts are by appointment only with one of our expert Fitness Coaches.

The InBody 570 is a non-invasive scanning device that provides accurate body composition analysis in less than 45 seconds, providing information about visceral fat, segmental fat, intracellular water, and extracellular water. This information helps us design individualized workouts, set meaningful goals and track each client’s progress.

Everything we do is data driven. We measure progress by increases in weight used or repetitions performed on your workout card; improvements seen in your InBody 570 results; and improvements in function and quality of life, as reported by you. We keep meticulous records and make ongoing adjustments to ensure satisfying results.

We offer safe, personalized, fully supervised strength training workouts; InBody 570 body composition scanning; nutrition education using our proprietary Medicorp MAPS software program; and free monthly education seminars open to the public. We stick to what we know best, and what we know works.

Clients can conveniently schedule their own appointments online, in person at the studio when in for a workout, or they can call or email us and we will schedule them.

We provide the highest level of fitness coaching and consulting services. Our current prices are shown on our Services page.

All of our workouts are individualized, and our training principles apply universally to everyone, so we can work with all ages. Over the years we have had clients from 9 years old to well into their 90’s. Clients under 18 require parent or guardian’s consent.

At Rock Solid Fitness you don’t have just one Fitness Coach; you have a team of Coaches at your disposal. Our unique scheduling model allows you to come in and train when it’s convenient for you, not us. You are free to schedule an appointment at any time during our working hours that we are open, and the Fitness Coach assigned to supervise your workout at that time will provide you with a 5 Star, Rock Solid experience.

With our system, you will see immediate, dramatic and continuous progress, right from your first workout. Our workouts provide maximum muscular stimulation, while also maximizing recovery, giving you the best possible results with minimum time spent working out.

Check Out Our Comprehensive Guide to Strength Training for Beginners and Enthusiasts

Delve into the world of fitness with our Rock Solid Fitness Comprehensive Guide to Strength Training! This FREE guide is a treasure trove of easy-to-understand, expert advice, making it the ultimate resource for beginners and seasoned fitness enthusiasts alike. It breaks down strength training into simple, actionable steps, ensuring you can start your journey toward increased strength and better health with confidence and ease. Tailored to cater to a diverse range of fitness levels, it’s the go-to guide for anyone looking to enhance their workout routine.