Rock Solid Fitness On TV! Time-Efficient Gym Cardio Workouts

Strength Training vs. Cardio - Venn Diagram

Time-Efficient Gym Cardio Workouts Video

Welcome to another “Fitness Friday” segment we were featured in recently on Great Day Live Tampa Bay, Channel 10 WTSP.

Today we want to show you a unique and super safe way of creating gym cardio workouts that combine traditional cardio with weight training, which we call metabolic workouts.

Metabolic conditioning is the ability to perform high intensity muscle contractions while stressing the cardiovascular system with other cardio modalities “sprinkled” in.  It’s a great, time efficient way to train to improve both your muscular fitness and cardiorespiratory fitness in a short amount of time, if all you have is 10 to 20 minutes to workout.

You’ll want to take your typical, main exercises in your strength workout that target multiple muscles groups at once, work them to fatigue/ failure, then move quickly into something cardio like bike or treadmill sprints, jump rope or jumping jacks, step ups, or farmers walks for a range of 30 seconds-2 mins.

Remember you get what you train for, so if you only have a short time available to workout and need to combine your gym cardio workouts with strength training, metabolic training is the way to go.

In this video, Mike B. coaches as Cara starts with a 20second bike sprint, followed by a shoulder press strength training exercise.  Remember, you get what you training for – in these gym cardio workouts, we are using strength training exercises as a tool to increase cardiovascular endurance.  Naturally, if Cara took some rest in between the strength training exercises and wasn’t doing these bike sprints, she could lift heavier weights.  So if she was training specifically for strength, her workout would look much different.


gym cardio workouts


Next, you see Cara perform another bike sprint, followed by chin ups.  She is really working hard here!

Coach Mike has Cara finish off with a “Farmers Walk” where she carries gas cans around the gym (don’t be calling the fire marshal, they’re filled with sand not gas 🙂 )

So if you want a super challenging workout you can do in under 30 minutes, try adding a metabolic workout to your menu of gym cardio workouts!

If you’d like to experience a Rock Solid Fitness workout for yourself FREE, Click here to Contact Us

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