Do you know what High Intensity Training (H.I.T.) is?….. And please DON’T confuse it with High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)!
High Intensity Training, also known as H.I.T., is a system of strength training that is characterized by brief and infrequent, but very intense, workouts. Another thing that separates H.I.T. from other training methods is how safe it is, due to the fact that all repetitions are performed in a slow, controlled fashion, with no momentum involved. You lift the weight through muscle force alone, and keep tension on your muscles the whole time you are training, rather than throwing and dropping the weight like some other popular training systems.
Performed correctly, High Intensity Training produces dramatic increases in strength and muscle growth, fat burning, and getting rid of unwanted aches and pains.
High Intensity Training was popularized in the early in the early 1970’s by Arthur Jones, the inventor of Nautilus exercise equipment.
Through the years, High Intensity Training has been used successfully by champion bodybuilders, elite athletes and thousands of fitness enthusiasts.

High Intensity Training allows you to build muscle, increase strength, burn fat and eliminate aches and pains fast. You should NOT have to wait weeks, months or years to see results from your muscle building workouts. Change should occur immediately, right from your first workout, and should be dramatic and continuous from then on.
Instead of trying to find out how much exercise you can tolerate, you will discover how little exercise you really require to get in the shape you want to be and keep improving , AS FAST AS POSSIBLE!
The best way to find out more about High Intensity Training (H.I.T.) is to stop by Rock Solid Fitness and experience a FREE workout.
Stay tuned and keep checking our website for next week’s blog where we’re going to explain High Intensity Interval Training and why it is so different than High Intensity Training!