Exercise Science Internships at Rock Solid Fitness
Rock Solid Fitness provides Exercise Science internships at various times throughout the year. The goal of the Rock Solid Fitness Comprehensive Summer Internship (CSI) is to provide undergraduate and graduate students in Exercise Science, Kinesiology or related fields a learning experience that revolves around studying, implementing, and teaching the evidence-based tenets of resistance training. The program is structured in a classroom setting of study and discussion of peer-reviewed research with a hands-on experience in an actual exercise facility. By the end of the internship, the students will have a vast knowledge of safe and efficient exercise techniques, knowledge of how to work with special populations, and hands-on experience of how to put these skills to practice.
Interested undergrad students should be a junior/senior who are majoring in Exercise Science, Kinesiology, or a related field. Graduate students should have an undergraduate Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts degree in an Exercise Science/Kinesiology or related field. Students should have an interest in resistance training and all of its applications including, but not limited to: Cardio-metabolic disease prevention, athletic performance, body composition improvements, healthy aging, and special populations. The interested student is preparing for a career in any variety of exercise and fitness professions.
The internship will be hosted at Rock Solid Fitness. The address is 2110 Main Street, Dunedin, FL, 34698.
Dates and times:
The CSI is being held every Wednesday night (with exception to July 3rd), starting June 19th and finishing July 31st. Each class will be 2 hours long from 3:30-5:30 PM.
Course Load:
The internship will be hosted by the Fitness Coach Manager, Drew Carpenter. Students will be spending an hour in a classroom setting to learn about safe and efficient exercise programming, techniques, and protocols. Additionally, evidence based research will be discussed to reinforce the techniques being taught and provide the foundation that supports the exercise programming objectives. Another hour will be spent practicing the techniques and protocols being taught on the exercise floor of Rock Solid Fitness. Students will have the opportunity to get hands-on experience on one another with supervision provided by the Rock Solid Fitness Expert Coaches.
To Apply:
Email a Resume to Drew Carpenter at Drew@RockSolidFitnessFL.com. Applications will be accepted through Saturday, June 15th, but applicants are encouraged to apply early, as space will fill up quickly (max of 10 students).
Additional Questions? Contact Drew@RockSolidFitnessFL.com or call (727)282-1800.